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Age: 3-5+ years

Ratio: 1:8 & 1:11

Opening Times: 8.00am-6.00pm

Schemes offered: ECCE (subsidy applied for 38 weeks (183 days)) & NCS

Team Leader: Katarzyna Kolodziejczyk

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Butterfly room is a place that focuses on learning but never forgets the importance of fun.

We are play-based and encourage the children to reach their full potential with guidance, help, and thought-out, child-led activities from the early year’s practitioners. The butterfly room is a happy place for exploring and finding out new things every day, it is important for each child to learn social skills to cope in the new classroom environment and progress in their life skills. Children are active hands-on learners and they learn by doing, we implement this into all our planners which are child-led and focused. Through these planners and activities, we are helping to promote children’s language, physical, social, and emotional development. We incorporate these through free play, work time, circle time, and art activities. In turn, this helps them to prepare for their move to Primary School. When children complete their senior year, Primary school is next and we aim to have the children confident and competent learners, full of self-esteem, and ready to take on this totally new challenge in the next stage of their development.

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Through observation, we have seen how important the outdoor environment is to the children’s learning and holistic development so a big part of our routine is getting out into the outdoors.

We aim in the Butterfly room to maintain a high-quality standard of care and education in the room for all children. All staff are qualified and get the opportunity to engage in Continuous Professional Development.
Each child has his/her own key worker who assesses the child’s learning, work, and growth.
An individual Aistear diary, observations, pictures, gems are done on an ongoing basis.
We encourage parents to review all the information uploaded on the Childpath app as they provide depth reflections on the learning and work of the children in the Butterfly room.

The room is attached to an enclosed garden with surrounding gardens. A favourite place for toddlers is the enclosed mud kitchen.
Each child has his/her own key worker who assesses the child’s learning, work, and growth.
An individual Aistear diary, observations, pictures, gems are done on an ongoing basis.
We encourage parents to review all the information uploaded on the Childpath app as they provide depth reflections on the learning and work of the children in the Bumblebee room.

Butterfly Room Team Leader

My name is Katarzyna Kolodziejczyk and I have been working in Childhood Matters Crèche since 2006. I am a highly experienced early years educator who has worked with children from different age groups for over 15 years.
I hold a Master of Arts in Early School Teaching Education (NFQ level 9) qualification.
Child safety and well- being is always at the forefront of my mind I have a special interest in paediatric first aid and I am the first aid responder for the crèche.
I am a caring, inspirational, and dedicated person who supports and encourages children to achieve their true potential as through all these years, I have learned that all children are different and unique in their own ways.

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